Saturday, August 11, 2012

Week 2, Check

Well, I've survived Week 2 of my 10k training. Its been a pretty good week, actually.

I ran 4 miles yesterday in 56 minutes. The big accomplishment for me was not cheating. I stayed on my timed run/walk schedule and finished off feeling great!
Proof that I was smiling/happy and not crying.
I am really seeing improvement in my stamina/endurance and its really exciting! However....

I am not seeing the improvement in my body and on the scale that I would like. In the last 2 weeks I have only missed one workout and I feel like I am killing myself....I know that its not going to happen overnight, but is a measly pound or two too much to ask? However.... I am not going to get discouraged! The difference in how I feel has been proof enough for me that I am doing something good for my body. There are improvements to be made in the kitchen, for sure!

The next two weeks are going to be a challenge for sure...Chris and I are going out of town for our Anniversary/Rachel's (BFF) wedding. I have mapped out our trip and when I'm going to workout each day to make sure I continue to make all I have to do is actually follow through. I don't usually exercise on vacation, but there is a first time for everything!

Friday, August 3, 2012


Oh hey. Its been over 2 months. Boo. If there's anyone out there, still reading, thanks for sticking with me.
If you read over at Walk With Me, you may know that I signed up for a 10K last week. I have one more day of my first week of training. Here's how it has gone so far...

Thursday July 26: Decided I needed something to push me to get to the gym/ good friend and workout buddy Trista suggests the 10K in Pocatello on September 1st. Coming off a pretty good workout, feeling good (and slightly overconfident in my abilities). I sign up as soon as I get home.

Friday July 27: My wonderful mother sends me a training schedule, and a wonderful email of encouragement. I get some supplies.

Monday July 30: I start training by going on my first timed (25 min) run outside. It sucked. It was hard. I am bawling 20 minutes into it. I'm not sure why I took a picture....I just wanted to document my misery, I guess.
Not cute. Not happy.

Tuesday July 31: I take the day off out of discouragement.
Wednesday August 1: I get back on the horse and go for another timed (25 min) run. This one is better. I finish out my run with no tears, just a red and splotchy face.
Thursday August 2: Strength training. Feeling pretty good.
Friday August 3: First mileaged based run....3 miles. My stomach is in knots, I say a prayer, take a workout supplement and hit the road. I finish exhausted, but smiling (and still red/splotchy faced).

I guess what I am trying to say, in too many words, is that everybody has strengths and weaknesses. My weakness is definitely running and I started from square one this week. But, it feels so good to do something that is so hard for me and to see improvement. I don't want to be on the elliptical my whole life, I want to accomplish things! I never understood why people would put their bodies through such hell to complete a marathon or iron man....but I think I'm beginning to.
I can do hard things!